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Get Involved in...

the Altar Guild

The altar guild is the group whose ministry it is to care for the altar, vessels, linens, and vestments of the parish. They prepare the sanctuary for services and put away items afterwards. 


All Saints’ currently has altar guild members who serve at either the 9 o’clock or the 11 o’clock service. They typically spend about 45 minutes a week fulfilling their duties. The members are divided into teams who rotate duties one month at a time. 


Members of the 9 a.m. team are responsible for preparing the altar for the 9 o’clock service, fixing the hymn board, and marking the readings in the various books. After the service they clear the altar, remove the vessels to the sacristy, wash them and leave them for the next service.


Members of the 11 a.m. team set the altar between services. After the 11 o’clock service they clear the altar, wash and put away the vessels and linens, cover the altar and credence table, and refill the oil in the candles. 


Both groups share in the washing of the linens and in taking things in for dry cleaning. They also note when supplies get low and notify either the parish administrator or the chair of the altar guild when bread or wine needs to be ordered.


If you are interested in joining this important ministry or just want to learn more about it, contact the chair of the altar guild, Jenny Krueger.

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